juice reset
Are you looking for new ways to be healthier and do better for your body? While there are many avenues you can take to do both, here we invite you to embark on a detoxing journey to Reset from the inside out. Did you know that the foods we eat can create stress on the digestive tract, alter hormone levels and greatly impact overall energy levels. There is a direct relationship between the foods we eat, the stress we experience, and our resulting overall health and well-being. Which is exactly why we created ‘PureReset’.
Designed as an opportunity to give your digestive system a break and allow the body's energy to be redirected towards the work of detoxification and regeneration, this program also provides you with the space to re-evaluate and shift habits and patterns that are no longer serving you. Easy to digest and nutrient rich meals and juices provide the body with the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal healing.
This program is specifically designed to support your body through the preparation phase, the integration phase and the transition back out so that you can feel your best throughout the process.
how it works
Pure Kitchen Ottawa offers ONE ($70), THREE ($200) and FIVE day ($330) resets. In order to ensure the product is as fresh as possible, we offer two separate pick-ups for our five day resets. All resets must be picked up at one of our restaurant locations as we do not offer delivery.
To place your order please use our booking portal below.
For any questions please contact us at juice@purekitchenottawa.com.
Import notes:
Please note customer support (juice@purekitchenottawa.com) is monitored Tuesday-Saturday.
cucumber, apple, kale, lemon, gingernourish
kale, cucumber, spinach, parsley, lemonshine
orange, grapefruit, turmeric, gingerelectrify
beet, pineapple, cucumber, apple, ginger, lemonheal
carrot, apple, turmeric, ginger, lemonchampion
filtered water, cashews, dates, maca, vanilla, cinnamon
an elixir is included for each day of your reset!

This program is not designed as a weight loss tool, nor is it recommended as a long term lifestyle choice. Relying on fasting techniques and juice alone to "detox," lose weight, or cure certain ailments is not an effective strategy to improve your overall health. It is important to note that any weight lost on a ‘cleanse’ is mostly water weight and is likely to be put back on once a regular diet is resumed.
This program was created as a method to allow you to reset both physically and mentally and to come back into alignment with your healthiest self - which does not necessarily denote weight loss. We highly recommend using the time within your reset to explore other aspects that will contribute to optimal health, such as sleep hygiene, stress management and moderate exercise.

reset options
Pure Kitchen Ottawa offers three reset options in order to help you pick the juice reset that is right for you.
1-Day – $70
The perfect option for anyone new to juice resets, or looking to reset on monthly basis. If you are new to resets, this is the best way to introduce the process to the body slowly.
3-Day – $200
The best option for someone looking for a full juice reset experience. You are looking for a fresh start, to flood the body with nutrition and reset some dietary habits.
5-Day – $330
The perfect option for an experienced juice enthusiast, you love a good challenge and looking to make some lasting changes.
pure total reset
A speciality Reset offered by Pure Kitchen quarterly. Each program includes four full days of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner + snacks) paired with three juices and one elixir daily. Plus one full day juice reset (six juices + one elixir). Receive daily email correspondence to help guide you through your journey with exclusive access to specially selected movement and mindfulness practices.
the complete package
look for the next one fall 2025…
before you start…
While there may be many different motivations for embarking on a reset, a common goal of improved overall health unites us all. Our reset is designed to flood the body with nutrients, increase hydration and give your digestive system a much needed break. A reset provides you with the space and tools your body needs to eliminate built up toxins and rid itself of unwanted waste. A reset can help to manage food cravings and improve your quality of sleep. Expect to feel refreshed and energized, less bloated and ready to embark on a journey of improved health upon completion!
DescrCold-pressing is a method of extracting liquid from plants without denaturing any of their nutritional content. Cold-pressed juices are created as fruits and vegetables are pressed together by metal plates to extract all of the liquid. This method allows the juice to be extracted from the produce without destroying nutrient and enzyme content. In using cold-pressed methods, juices remain raw and retain all of their nutritional value for up to 72 hours. By contrast, a more common method of juice making uses a centrifugal juicer where the produce is pulverized by a spinning blade. In this method, small amounts of heat are created in the juice and nutrients and enzymes are lost in the process.iption text goes here
We recommend planning in advance for your reset in order to get the most out of your experience. In the days leading up to your reset you may consider slowly eliminating foods that can be inflammatory and difficult to digest including dairy, processed sugars and alcohol. The day before you begin you may also consider avoiding all animal products and caffeine while sticking to simple, clean foods such as soups, salads and whole grains. Increasing hydration with plenty of plain, filtered water for up to a week prior to your reset will help the body’s natural process of elimination, giving you a head start with your program. Proper preparation for a reset will not only set you up for success, it can greatly impact your experience and outcome.
Feeling a little tired or a little hungry throughout a reset is completely normal. You may find it helpful to schedule your reset during a time when you are not overly busy. You are making a major change to your diet so small symptoms are completely normal. How an individual feels during their reset can vary greatly and therefore it is important that you listen to your body. The juices are designed to help flood the body with nutrients, ease any detoxification side effects, and make the reset as comfortable as possible. It is also normal to experience some detoxification symptoms during a cleanse. These may include but are not limited to; fatigue, headaches, nausea, irritability or muscle aches. It is important to drink lots of water, engage in light activity, and ensure you are getting adequate sleep.
Moving your body throughout your program can be a great tool in assisting with the flushing out and elimination process, but be mindful of the type of physical activity you choose to engage in. A reset is intended as a time of healing and regeneration and therefore physical activity should reflect this. Avoiding high intensity and rigorous activity is highly recommended as this can demand energy better used for cellular autophagy (breakdown). We suggest opting instead for restorative practices such as gentle yoga, walking or swimming that will assist in the body's natural process of elimination.
This is very case dependent and varies from person to person. Although some individuals may lose weight during their reset, short-term weight loss should not be seen as the goal. Rather, think of your reset as an opportunity to help your body re-balance itself. A reset also offers us the chance to become mindful of and potentially break some bad habits, and maybe even become better equipped to create a personal long-term health plan.
From our point of view, most adults can benefit from a reset a few times a year. A reset is the perfect opportunity to give yourself time and space to reevaluate habits and patterns that may no longer be serving you and to introduce a more healthful way of living. With that being said, we must emphasize that we are not doctors and do not provide medically supported cleanses. We do not recommend our resets to pregnant or breastfeeding women, children or anyone with a medical condition. If you have previously or are currently struggling with disordered eating we strongly discourage any type of reset or cleanse.
Absolutely! We recognize that every body is different and that there are many avenues to an effective reset. If you are looking for all the benefits a reset provides but a reduced caloric intake doesn’t fit your lifestyle or needs, we can help! Incorporating clean, easily digested foods into your juice reset can be a great way to garner benefits while avoiding some of the unpleasantness a full reset might incur. If choosing to incorporate food into your reset, keep meals light, clean and minimal. Eliminating processed foods, dairy, gluten, sugar, animal products and caffeine is highly recommended. Incorporating techniques such as intermittent fasting can be very beneficial in a healing reset program that includes food.
How many days you choose to reset is completely up to you. Some people may find a monthly 1 day reset very helpful, while others will prefer a seasonal 3 or 5 day reset. If incorporating food into your reset you may choose to continue for up to a week.
It is best to ease your way out of a reset the same way you eased into the process. Continue to avoid processed foods, refined sugars, alcohol, dairy and red meat for the first week after your reset. Ensure that your first few meals after your reset are plant-based and easily digested. Smoothies, soups and salads with lots of raw vegetables are ideal first meals after a reset. Focus on keeping vegetable content high and on supporting your digestion by chewing thoroughly and eating slowly. Use the post-reset period as an opportunity to note any changes in digestion and overall health, and as an opportunity to implement new dietary habits moving forward.
book your juice reset
Book a Juice Reset for you (and up to one other) at your selected Pure Kitchen location. If you are booking for a large group or have any questions contact us.
have any questions?
Or contact us at: juice@purekitchenottawa.com