so you're doing a reset?

here are some helpful tips to guide you through…

be mindful of the transition

In a yoga class exhibiting mindfulness and effort through the transition between poses is just as important as the poses themselves. This same mentality of a mindful transition should be applied to the days leading into and out of your reset program.

If you are thinking about embarking on a multi-day reset it is important to take stock of your eating habits and routines, transitioning into and out of the reset.  In the days leading up to your reset we suggest slowly and strategically eliminating potentially inflammatory and hard to digest foods such as dairy, processed foods of any kind, animal products, sugar, gluten, caffeine and alcohol.  We know that can feel like a tall order to tackle all at once so our approach is to start preparing for a rest one week prior to starting.  Each day choose one category to eliminate, making small changes and slowly working your way towards a clean diet.  Try replacing your morning coffee with warm water and lemon or dandelion herbal tea.  Satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit or swap out your usual sweetener with maple syrup or honey.  Make use of hearty whole grains like rice, quinoa and buckwheat to stay full throughout the day.  You may also benefit from slowly reducing caloric intake for the day or two before beginning.  This approach will greatly influence your journey and help to procure desired results.  Below are some easily executed recipes you may wish to incorporate into your transition day meal plan along with a general template describing how you might wish to structure your days leading into your reset.

Use this time table as a general template but feel free to adjust to your own personal schedule. Once you have embarked on your reset journey feel free to use this timetable to structure your juice intake. We suggest one juice every 1½ to 2 hours.

reset juice

8:00am elixir + warm water w/ lemon
9:00am juice one - Nourish
11:00am juice two - Shine
1:00pm juice three - Electrify
3:00pm juice four - Heal
5:00pm juice five - Champion
7:00pm juice six - Rise

additional food + drink

8:00am warm water w/ lemon or herbal tea
9:00am light but nourishing breakfast 
11:00am small snack 
1:00pm clean yet hearty lunch 
3:00pm herbal tea
5:00pm light and easily digested dinner 
7:00pm warm water or chamomile tea

Incorporating tenants of intermittent fasting into your program leading up to and throughout your reset can be a great way to encourage the body’s natural detoxification process. Try limiting caloric intake to within a eight or ten hour window by waiting an hour or two after waking to have breakfast and ingesting your last meal a minimum of three hours before going to bed. For more information on the benefits of intermittent fasting check out this podcast.

Once your reset is complete it is especially important to be mindful of what you are putting into your body and fuelling yourself with. We suggest following a similar meal plan transitioning out of your reset to the one transitioning in. Be gentle with your body and make food and drink choices that reflect this. Continue to prioritize hydration and clean easily digested foods. Choose foods with a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber and leafy greens which will assist in hydration while also contributing healthy vitamins and minerals. Soups and smoothies are ideal options for the days following your reset as they are easily broken down by the digestive tract. Most people find a reset provides an opportunity to become more mindful of habitual eating habits, identify cravings, and be inspired in one’s own journey in health.

make the most of your experience

more than just juice

Designed with the intention of accommodating the opportunity for rest, reflection and healing we encourage you to use your time in this program to focus inwards and incorporate other practices contributing to improved health. The process of detoxification can be interpreted as not only physiological but also mental and emotional.


Use your time transitioning into your reset to identify aspects of your daily routine that you might like to shift or eliminate. This can be a great time to begin a journaling or meditation practice which can help to provide clarity and space in a hectic lifestyle. Start with an attainable goal so as to not feel overwhelmed or defeated early on in your journey. Five to ten minutes in the morning or evening can make a world of difference. Click here for a free 10 minute guided mediation from Pure Life TV.


Debatably the most important aspect of health and wellness, one that we often overlook, is sleep hygiene. Using this time to establish a healthy sleep routine can set you up for long term success in all of your health goals. Following a structured eating schedule is one way to contribute to an improved sleep schedule by setting the body up to fall in line with its natural meridian clock. Try limiting screen time to a minimum as you begin to wind down your day and avoiding bright light of any kind two to three hours before bed. If using your phone or computer in the evening make use of the ‘brightness’ feature by lowering the brightness of your screen to a minimum. Use your evenings as a time to slow down and reflect and avoid any high intensity activities, both physical and mental. Mornings are generally best used for more strenuous activities. See if you can get outside within an hour of waking up to further assist the body’s natural rhythm.


Moving your body throughout your program can be a great tool in assisting with the flushing out and elimination process, but be mindful of the type of physical activity you choose to engage in. A reset is intended as a time of healing and regeneration and therefore physical activity should reflect this. Avoiding high intensity and rigorous activity is highly recommended as this can demand energy better used for cellular autophagy (breakdown). We suggest opting instead for restorative practices such as gentle yoga, walking or swimming that will assist in the body's natural process of elimination. Click here for a great detoxifying flow to start your day.

Use the time you have allotted yourself within your reset to establish these practices and make note of how they impact your overall wellbeing.

lose the dogma

While this advice may seem antithetical coming from a business offering pre-determined juice kits, the most important piece of advice for a positive reset experience that offers enduring lifestyle benefits is to customize the reset experience to fit your goals and lifestyle. You are unique, your diet is unique, the daily demands and stresses you face are unique…. It is okay if your reset is unique too.

Being unnecessarily dogmatic, strict, or unforgiving while undertaking a reset can and does often produce unnecessary and counterproductive emotional and mental stresses that by their very nature are antithetical to the goals of a juice reset. I find the best way to be clear about how much flexibility to give yourself while on a reset is asking yourself ‘why’ you are undertaking a reset and committing to giving yourself the flexibility necessary to meet this goal while still getting through the demands of daily life.

This is time you have carved out for yourself so be true to what works best for you.

If you have any questions please email Shannon.


Kyle Cruickshank (Co-Owner)
Shannon Gilchrist (Juice Coordinator)